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HoopMetrics Basketball Stats Offered
Zack Lefebvre avatar
Written by Zack Lefebvre
Updated over a week ago

Stat List (totals and averages for teams and players)

  • Points

  • Turnovers

  • Blocks

  • Offensive Rebounds

  • Defensive Rebounds

  • Rebound

  • Offensive Fouls

  • Defensive Fouls

  • Fouls

  • Assists

  • Steals

  • Charges

  • eFG% - Effective Field Goal Percentage (Learn More)

  • 2FG% - 2 Point Field Goal Percentage

  • 3FG% - 3 Point Field Goal Percentage

  • FG% - Field Goal Percentage

  • FT% - Free Throw Percentage

  • TS% - True Shooting Percentage (Learn More)

  • 2FGA - 2 Point Field Goals Attempted

  • 2FGM - 2 Point Field Goals Made

  • 3FGA - 3 Point Field Goals Attempted

  • 3FGM - 3 Point Field Goals Made

  • FTA - Free Throws Attempted

  • FTM - Free Throws Made

  • FGA - Field Goals Attempted

  • FGM - Field Goals Made

  • Possessions

  • Assist Ratio (Learn More)

  • Pace

  • Offensive Efficiency (Learn More)

  • Defensive Efficiency (Learn More)

  • Points Per Possession

  • Turnover Ratio (Learn More)

  • Tendex (Learn More)

  • Minutes Played

Additional Stats Offered

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