It is highly recommended that you spend some time in a Demo Game before statting your first live game!
How to get to a demo game?
Make sure you're on your team account Home Page.ย
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap "Start New Game"
Next, tap on "Practice HoopMetrics"
See the following steps below to navigate the prompts given!
How to set demo game preferences?
1. First, you will be asked ย "Would you like to stat one team or two teams?"
Statting for two teams gives you an experience that would be equivalent to statting your team and all players AND your opponent team and all players.
Statting for one team gives you an experience that would be equivalent to statting your team and all players AND only statting your opponent's generic team stats without rosters.
2. Next, you will be asked "Do you want to use a game clock?"
If you use a game clock this means you must manage a running game clock. This allows you to track player minutes, but does add an extra element to the statting experience.
If you do not use a game clock your players minutes will not be tracked, but does make the statting experience simpler.
3. Finally, you will be asked "Do you want to track court zones?"
Statting with court zones means you must specify where on the court a player's action occurs. This allows you to get team and player court charts for shots, fouls, turnovers, and steals during and after the game, but does add an extra element to the statting experience. Learn more about court zones here.
Statting without court zones mean you do not specify where an action occurs, making the statting experience simpler.