A HoopMetrics Coach & Scorekeeper Account subscription begins whenever you explicitly purchase one in the HoopMetrics app or by visiting HoopMetrics.com/login. Log in using the same account information as you do for the HoopMetrics app to view available subscriptions options. We currently offer month-to-month, 6 month, and yearly subscriptions. To purchase through the app, please see the video down below.
You can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day. There are no long-term contracts or cancellation fees. Just sign up to get started.
What We Offer
1. Fan Account
Signing up for a fan account is completely free.
Having a Fan Account allows you to follow your favorite teams and players. When a team uses HoopMetrics to record their stats, you can follow along live to catch all the action.
2. Coach & Scorekeeper Account
Visit www.HoopMetrics.com/login to purchase a subscription or see the video below to purchase through the HoopMetrics app.
A Coach and Scorekeeper Subscription includes the following features:
Back up your statistics
Advanced Analytics
Export your statistics
Automatically generate the official scorebook and box scores
Lineup Suggestions
Court Charts
Live cast your games for fans
Note: Learn about the Free Trial here