1. Make sure you're on the Home Team Screen of the HoopMetrics App
2. Select "View Full Profile"
3. Go to the Settings tab in the top right corner
4. Click the "Game Settings" Button. Here you can adjust Team Information & Team Settings/Rules.
Team Information - Team Name, Mascot, Abbreviation, Team Gender, Team type, Team Color, Team Location, and Discoverability (Learn about Team Discoverability).
Team Settings/Rules - Period Type, Period Length, Fouls Allowed, Track Court Zones, Customize Plays Tracked.
5. Select the check mark in the top right corner to Save Your Changes
*If you have multiple teams created and are not currently displaying the team you wish to edit, then please follow these instructions instead.
1. Make sure you're on the Home Team Screen of the HoopMetrics app.
2. Tap the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Tap on "Your Teams"
4. Select the team you wish to edit and tap "View Profile"ย
4. Go to the Settings tab in the top right corner
5. Click the "Game Settings" Button to edit Team Information and Team Settings/Rules.
6. Select the check mark in the top right corner to Save Your Changes